Julia Thomsen’s new remix, ‘Praying Moment,’ is enchanting once more. The compilation, which came about many years ago, has been given a new lease on life courtesy to DJ Jason Cadden. The latest rendition is a breath of fresh air for Julia, who is already a household figure in the classical realms.
‘Praying Moment’ has a lovely quality to it as well as a lot of energy. It’s a one-of-a-kind mix, and the natural vibe it emits is indescribable. Furthermore, it does not sound like it has gone under a remix studio; instead, it sounds as if it has always belonged in the manner it is available today. It’s a credit to Jason Cadden for managing to build a new EDM version with a similar vision to the previous while simultaneously turning it into a standalone product.
Julia makes an impression with her delivery. Her piano hooks are soulful, and all of the sounds she offers allow us to reflect on the previous few years. However, it does not sound depressing, and there is a sense of joy dripping from the mix. The beat is gentle, and it provides just enough stimulation through electronic shifts while remaining true to the inspiration that inspired it in the first place. Julia gets inspiration from nature and the beauty of the environment, and Cadden keeps that aura throughout.
You can take a listen to this new single here.