‘Memories’ is the harrowing yet electrifying new release from Canadian born rapper 780 Masochist. With his dark production, 780 Masochist raises shivers to new heights, and he leads an indenting adventure.
The music begins with a chilly, mystical synth intro that gradually builds. It then merges with the backbeat, prompting 780 Masochist to surge forward with a lively rap delivery about a desire to be with a loved one. Many will identify with his wordplay as he is nostalgic with his story and reflects on a previous relationship that did not go as planned. He is honest, and there is a sense of vulnerability within his thought-provoking narrative.
As the track progresses, all of the parts in the mix begin to pick up and turn, producing an unpredictable and thrilling flow. Moreover, in the refrain, the tempo picks up a notch, and the voices soar to new heights, aided by a supporting harmony that adds to the weight of the already potent mix.
In the ending portion, the eerie aura that drew attention in the beginning reappears. There’s also a frightening female vocal that echoes through the mix. 780 Masochist then returns to the mix for one last shove. He conveys his point in a bold manner, and in the closing seconds, he lets the music do the talking, adding to the already powerful soundscape that is audible throughout.
Overall, this track is energising and one that will stick with you for a long time.