It’s both pleasant and interesting to listen to Julia Thomsen’s new composition, ‘Precious.’ It’s a musical vision that lingers long after it’s over. Also, the track’s potential to transport us to a more pleasant environment, enabled by its design, is what is sending shivers up the spines of so many listeners.
We found ourselves reflecting on our own lives while listening to this piece by the award-winning composer from Scotland, which is not something that happens very often in today’s environment. It is high-level music, and its commitment to detail is seamless. Also, the progression arouses a great degree of curiosity, as does the emotional response spectrum.
We are pleasantly comforted due to its tranquil movement, which allows it to hold us in its palms for an extended period of time without us recognising what is going on around us. That in itself is proof that this is up there with the most compelling classical releases of the modern time.
Check it out here.