With their masterwork ‘It Burns You When It’s Hot,’ Spectral Display hit the nail on the head. It is a release that causes serotonin to reach high levels, and resisting the contagious cadence is difficult.
The band is a genre pioneer, constantly pushing themselves to new heights and exposing new possibilities in their music. Furthermore, the group first gained popularity in the 1980s and has since had a slew of successful singles, including this one. It’s a release that’s brimming with passion, and the production shines brightly from the outset. Michel Mulders, the producer, does not hold back his creative ideas, and he infuses modern EDM with a new ambience while also gratifying their long-time admirers.
Paul Simon’s voice rises to new heights, revealing the depths of his vocal pocket. He’s back with the goods, and he’s going to give it his all straight away. His lyrical message is riveting as he bursts through the mix with zeal. He also adds to the mix, giving the already excellent instrumental a layer of star quality.
Overall, ‘It Burns You When It’s Hot’ is deserving of a spot at the top of the heap. It is immediately appealing, and it becomes much more so as the storey progresses. Also, the group’s capacity to continually reinvent themselves is so exhilarating that it keeps us on our toes, waiting for their subsequent records.
You can take a listen to this new single here.